Coming Soon
Paint And Sip
Fundraiser To raise money to help Tent City, Women and Men Shelters, Disabled Vets, and Crisis Assistance Ministries
Walkathon Fundraiser Walk
Line Dancing Classes
Coming Soon
Learn Old and New Line Dances outdoors. Get Exercise, Give back, Have Fun. There are many ways to give back to the community. Why not have fun doing it. 6Feet apart, Social Distancing, and Socializing. Let's have fun...
Tent City
We will be raising money to purchase things needed for the residents of Tent City. You can donate to this cause in many ways. Donating items, time, monetary, or prayers. We have to support our community. Some of us has at some time been one paycheck away from being in this situation. Let's not Judge, Let us Give.
Feed The Community
We will be collecting donations to be able to feed the community. There are many families that are still struggling with providing meals for their family. We will chose a location, and try to give boxed meals to as many families that we can.
Adopt a Street / Clean the Commuinty
We will adopt a street in the community to clean. Let's keep our City looking beautiful.